Ad Analysis Essay Examples

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When falling into the gaze of dark hazel eyes, there is an aspect of mystery so compelling, it is impossible not to venture into the context of the situation. While shuffling through the November edition of Cosmopolitan in a waiting room, the sultry eyes of Selena Gomez fell upon me. I began to examine the advertisement and soon my eyes began to drift off her face. Selena was holding a tube of Pantene’s “3 MINUTE MIRACLE” daily conditioner. After noting the subject of the advertisement, I focused my attention on the seemingly perfect hair of the model. The dark, lively hair shimmered like the gloss on her lips. Then, I moved onto the bold text statements that made me hang onto every last word. I soon realized the extent to which this ad captured me due to the subtle characteristics placed by design. Pantene’s clever design team constructed a claim that appealed to the greatest flaw of modern day society, the lack of patience. Today, everything is accessible in the blink of an eye. You …show more content…

Although these claims seem unrealistic, users are tempted to test them. The “Makes Hair Stronger In Just Three Minutes” and “Daily Moisture Renewal” are great examples. Because hair strength and moisture are two of the most crucial characteristics of healthy hair, they are the most desirable traits among women. Unfortunately, these traits are not achievable through one product alone. However, portraying Pantene’s daily conditioner as a cure all through bold statements is an effective way to sell the product. Also, the key statement, “STRONG IS BEAUTIFUL,” gives potential buyers a sense of confidence within themselves and the product. This is effective because the target audience is mostly young women. In general, most people within this audience are seeking style and fashion advice to appear more confident and attractive, therefore key phrases such as these are very effective in selling this