Adhd Observation

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1. I would recommend persons working with Jay give him a great deal of encouragement. He needs to be rewarded, praised immediately after good behavior. Several suggestions would include:

A. Remain calm. State the infraction to the rules and don't argue with children who have ADHD.
B. Have pre-established consequences for misbehavior that are well known to the individual.
C. Enforce rules in the classroom on a consistent basis.
D. Provide encouragement by rewarding more than punishing to build self-esteem.
E. Praise immediately after any and all good behavior and performance.
F. Change rewards if not effective in motivating behavioral change.
G. Find as many ways possible to encourage the child.
H. Teach the child to self-reward and to have …show more content…

Show this individual how recognition can be gained in acceptable ways.
E. Try not to get defensive with this child. Try to develop a positive attitude.
F. When this youngman blows up, give a cooling off time before trying to resume disciplinary procedures or communication in the family.
3. I would recommend persons working with Jay help his to manage stress by having healthy, productive self-control. Several suggestions would include:

A. Help them to respond conservatively to negative events.
B. Help them to control strong feelings such as anger and fear. Reward them when this takes place.
C. Reward them for calming down quickly after upsetting events.
4. I would recommend this student have help in developing a more posi¬tive self-image. Several suggestions would include:

A. Identify his positive qualities and abilities and encourage utilization of these qualities in daily activities.
B. Give responsibilities that show trust from others.
C. Encourage his in accepting positive comments from others and in making positive comments about herself.
D. Call it to his attention when he begins to criticize herself. Do not allow self-criticism to continue. Point out positive characteristics such as appearance, dress, smiles,