Admissions Essay: A Career As A Nurse's Assistant

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I am a Black Muslim woman born in Khartoum, North Sudan but raised in America most of my life. Twelve years ago, my family and I came to the United States as refugees. My parents risked everything they had so they could create a better future for my siblings and me. It was not easy for my parents to bring us to America, and their effort taught me the value of hard work. I am also a first generation college student and English is my second language. This is my first year attending University of Iowa. While at Iowa, I would like to obtain a Bachelor in Science in Human Physiology. After I complete my undergraduate degree, I plan to attend medical school. In the near future, I hope to obtain a job at the University of Iowa hospitals. I will become a doctor so that I …show more content…

I want them to feel protected and loved. Because of these experiences, I know that I want to become a doctor more than anything in the world. In high school, I became a Certified Nurse’s Assistant (CNA) because I thought that would help me get a better understanding of what it would be like working with patients. After completing 80 hours in a nursing home to finish my training, I appreciated the daily hard work of nurses, but realized it was not for me. My experiences with my mother and brother gave me a passion for curing diseases and giving others access to healthcare. I realized that I could tackle those problems better as a surgeon than as a nurse. Once I got to college, my dream of becoming a doctor started becoming more and more real. The University of Iowa has opened so many doors for me. This semester I have been part taking in research and I am a participant for those researches. I have conducted experiments that test my memory skills and so on. I work at the Iowa City VA hospital as a Phlebotomist. While working there I have met amazing people including veterans, whom I could relate to on many levels. Although I did not serve in the military, I shared their