Advantage And Disadvantages Of A Later Start Times As They Are

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There are many advantages and disadvantages of A Later Start for Health and Keep start Times as They Are. A Later Start for Health will lead to a lot of changes in the school, students lifes, and the change of transportation. While Keep Start Times as They Are will not make any difference. The Facilities for having A Later Start for Health will lead to families missing out on Crucial or special quality time together [ Keep Start Times as They Are, paragraph 2, last sentence] " This woould mean families would miss out on crucial quality time together''. Prehapes A Later Start for Health is not a good option, but Keep Start Times as They Are is on line. There are a lot of disadvantages for A Later Start for Health . Firstly, the scheduling of after school activities and bus transportation would need to be changed. Secondly, students will have to go to bed later and that mean their will have to wake up later, [ A Later Start for Health, paragraph two]. …show more content…

The scheduling and tranportations will not be chaged. They will be more time for summer vacation with families, and also students will not need to get to the bus stop earlie before sun rises [ Keep Start Times as They Are, thrid paragraph]. Keeping Start Times as they are will keep students in after sports and activities. While there are four disadvantages on Keep Start Times as They Are. First, students will not be able to get at most 9 hours of sleep per night [A Later Start for Health, paragraph two]. Second students need to be ables to do they homework [ A Later Start for Health, first paragraph]. Third, Teen may also not be able to get enough sleep and something will not be right about that. Finally, [fouth] students will end up coming home from school in the evening which is not a good thing becuase of the bad people on the road. Keep Start as They Are will benefit students and help parents who has to go to work later on the