Advantages Of Emporia High Education

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What does it mean to have a good education? Could the “type” of school one attends be apart of whether they have fulfilled the requirements to have a good education? Northern Heights is a small school that gets picked on for many reasons. The students that attend there. The location. Even the infrastructure. Yet how does the quantity and quality of a school such as Northern Heights differ from Emporia High? What makes Emporia High education better than Northern Heights? The education at Northern heights is just as good as Emporia High’s because Northern Heights has a better teacher-to-student ratio, fewer students to be leaders in clubs and organizations-including athletics, and of course personal relationships due to a tight knit community. The teachers at Northern Heights are more apt to help students when they know them individually and are, at times, familiar with family background. They can provide special provisions for those students as well. . They can figure out the learning style of each student and incorporate that into their lesson plans. This can administer better cooperation from the pupil. The students talents and with certain needs would have a better time understanding the curriculum They can also get better acquainted …show more content…

Small schools generally like to serve as the “nucleus” in a community. There is a lot of strong support that comes from the parents and other community members. Especially at ball games when you can hear the screaming mothers, fathers, and/or guardians cheering on their kid on the team. Northern Heights hosts events such as the Veterans Day programs and the Senior Citizens Dinner. Many people in the community come to these events. In a small school, it’s not unusual for teachers, administrators, and school board members to know each other. This leads to easier acceptance to new ideas. It also develops a sense of belonging and