Post Office Airmail Service Case Analysis

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The beginnings of the commercial aviation industry were initiated by the Airmail Services. The expansion of air mail influenced the developing infrastructure and procedures for what was to become a very large industry of commercial aviation. The development of the U.S. Post Office Airmail Service (May 15, 1918, through September 9, 1927) major events and individuals that contributed to the success of this industry are explained. There were many issues and several problems many aviation pioneers encountered while creating the U.S. Post Office Airmail Service. Two of these problems and issues are included here as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each. In conclusion, the recommended courses of action are presented.
2.7 - Case Analysis: …show more content…

Post Office Airmail Service (May 15, 1918, through September 9, 1927) were President Woodrow Wilson who was involved and in attendance attesting to the magnitude and potent of the first airmail experimentation. Lt. George Boyle was another famous individual involved in the airmail saga as he piloted the first airmail service aircraft and cargo, although it was not very successful. Max Miller and Wesley Smith created the first cockpit instruments for steady rate turns, gyroscopic instrumentation, and pitch attitude indications for “blind flying”. U.S. Army pilot William Charles Ocker is known to be the father of blind flight and used these instruments in actual flight operations. William Ocker was the pioneer on understanding aviation physiology and flight by instruments only as he made inventions such as the “Ocker Box.” One final famous individual who laid the foundation for commercial aviation is Jack Knight. Jack Knight had flown the first American coast to coast commercial flight solely, even through prevailing weather …show more content…

Development of Alternative Actions
Alternative Action 1. The alternative action would be to implement ground-based navigation aids such as VHF omni-directional radio range and Non-Directional beacons. Advantages. The advantages would be accurate flight planning, dead reckoning, and pilotage for the airmail pilots to travel the country safely and accurately. This would resolve the issue of pilots becoming lost along the airmail routes and accidents caused by terrain and some adverse weather conditions. Disadvantages. The disadvantages would be that it would be very expensive for the government to afford ground-based navigational aids at that time period in the 1920’s.
Alternative Action 2. The flight planning process should have been more detailed with more aviation charts for