Alcoholism Is Not A Disease Essay

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Alcoholism is not a disease. People who drink, and who are alcoholics, always seem to find a way to blame their drinking problems on other things then them self’s. Alcoholism is not a disease according to (Baldwin Research institute 2016) “alcoholism is a choice, not a disease, and stripping alcohol abusers of their choice, by applying the disease concept, is a threat to the health of the individual.” “The disease concept originated in the 1800s with a fellow by the name of Dr. Benjamin Rush. He believed those who drank too much alcohol were diseased and used the idea to promote his prohibitionist political platform. He also believed that dishonesty, political dissention and being of African-American descent were diseases.” (Baldwin Research institute 2016) Who gets to decide that being an alcoholic is a disease? I think that alcohol is not a disease but an addiction that people need to work on. People do not know how to take blame for the bad choices they made in life. Alcoholics have a problem that they put on them self’s. …show more content…

It is hard to picture a brain disease such as schizophrenia simply going away because someone decided not be schizophrenic anymore.” (Kyle smith, New York Post, 2015) Addiction can stop when people just want to give it up through self-discipline. It is being able to control yourself when you can give up something and quit cold turkey. I think that us as humans, we all were born with a super power, and that power is choice. Sometimes people need to have a supportive group to help get through the hard times but that does not mean they have a