Alexander The Great: A Hero's Success

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“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other” - (John F. Kennedy). A leader who holds high moral standards always exemplifies courage, optimism, perseverance, and loyalty while leading his people to a more auspicious life. A leader must apply these traits under the virtue fortitude in everything he does to show his people to do the same in their lives as well. A leader must also learn to exemplify a very uplifting life. High moral standards was something that many leaders had acquired many ages ago. A leader who held high moral standards throughout their life was a man named Martin Luther. Martin Luther was a Catholic monk and had a major role in the Protestant Reformation. Luther was a very independent man and he was often paranoid …show more content…

Alexander the Great. Alexander the great was a student of Aristotle as well as a military genius. One of Alexander’s biggest achievements was defeating King Darius III. Alexander the Great held high moral standards because he fought for what he believed and always tried his best to do what was right. Alexander the Great died very young at the age of thirty-two. A man named Lucius Cornelius Sulla was another leader who held high moral standards throughout his life. Sulla always did his best to uplift the lives of his partners in his military and political careers. Sulla showed his people to overcome their fears and to let people know that it is okay to stand your ground and to maintain your power and control of what is yours. One main goal is Sulla’s life was to destroy all of his political enemies. Augustus was another leader who showed his followers to do what was right. Augustus was a Roman emperor who was a very powerful and intelligent man. He was also Julius Caesar’s son. One of his main goals in his life was to seek out the murders of his father, and to ultimately avenge him. Augustus gaining a lot of power was very very beneficial to his ruling of Rome. Augustus also wanted to restore peace into Rome, as well as stability for the entire Roman

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