Alexander The Great Research Paper

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Do you know that Alexander the Great was an excellent conqueror, king and an amazing man at the same time? Alexander is considered one of the best conquerors in Ancient Greece because using strategies he could conquer many city-states and countries and with the help of his teachers, phalanxes, family, knowledge and his lovely horse, he could win in every battle he had. He conquered territories stretching from Greece to Egypt and through present-day Turkey, Iran and Pakistan. This incredible man was one of the best militaries commanders in Greece history.

Alexander of Macedonia III was born on July 20th, 356 B.C in Macedonia, place where his dad, King Philip the II, governed in that time. He always was interested in that kind of things and he always dreamed to be the same as his father, a good conqueror. As a child, he could learn as a child and learned mathematics, reading, writing, and how to play the lyre. At the age of thirteen, his interests of being a good military increased a lot and that`s why Aristotle, one of the best philosophers in Ancient Greece, taught him and became his teacher. This is one important chapter in his life where he learned many things and started being told “DESCENDENT OF A GOD”. …show more content…

He conquered most of the Persian Empire and with all his conquests, he expanded the Greek Empire. After his dad died, he had to secure the control of Greece because many city-states wanted to have freedom and independence, so he had to burn Thebes to the ground. After that, he created an army of 30,000 foot soldiers and 5,000 cavalry troops to Asia. With all his army, Alexander could go to Egypt and Egyptians were pleased with him because of liberating them from the Persians and there he founded the city of