Alexander The Great Research Paper

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Alexander the Great or Not Essay Alexander was a conqueror and ruler of a great empire. He came into power after the death of his father in 336 b.c. He is considered one of the greatest military rulers of all time. He spread Greek culture and ideas throughout the ancient world. Also, he showed a great interest in the people he conquered. I think Alexander deserves the title “The Great” because he unified all of Greece, he was welcomed into Egypt as a hero, and he conquered the great Persian empire. Alexander unified all of Greece by putting down the rebellion of Thebes. The Thebans received false information that Alexander had died, and tried to take this chance to declare their independence. Alexander gathered over thirty thousand troops. He thought the Thebans would back down, but was clearly mistaken as they stood their ground. Alexander’s army greatly outnumbered the Thebans, but the Thebans fought hard. Eventually, Alexander’s army prevailed. Alexander treated the rebels with compassion. He even spared a woman’s life after she killed a Macedonian general because he admired her bravery. To conclude, Alexander was a hero because he unified all of Greece and showed mercy to the rebels. …show more content…

The Egyptians believed Alexander would show more respect to their religion, than the Persians had in the past. The Egyptians considered Alexander a king or pharaoh. He helped lay the plans for a city named Alexandria after him. Alexander even allowed temples for Egyptian gods in his city. The city of Alexandria was a great center for learning. In conclusion, Alexander deserves the title “The Great” because he was greeted into Egypt as a hero, and he helped lay the plans for the city of