Alice H. Eagly And Stephanie Riger: Article Analysis

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In this article, “Feminism and psychology” by Alice H. Eagly and Stephanie Riger focuses on evaluating the relationship between psychology today and feminist critiques and how in relation brought us to the psychological science. This article observes how feminist women changed the science of psychology through the year, what breack-throughs they had through their views as long as over sixty years ago, many critiqs by feminist psychologist focused on epistemology methods. They examine feminists claims of androcentric bias, which is a dominated by or emphasizing masculine interests or a masculine point of view. They do so by compairing research finding by both men and women and how they evaluated the information and conducted their labs and …show more content…

A major issue that has been the focus of this research study is analyzing the data and proving that men have had more dominance in the psychological science field, and based on the data observed since 1960 proves that that has been the case. As well as females being considered less dominant, that have also been in less articles as the editors leans more towards a male psychologist as well as the editors themselves being 10% more males. Reliance on male researches participants, based on data gathered from jounal’s and articles, researchers where mainly male participants, rarly taken a female as a subject and but still generalizing them as both males and females. As most of the research was done by males and the particapents male as well, shows bias work. In conclusion this journal was a success in proving the bias work done, and proved new methods that are justified and in return female scientists have become more respected and viewed as more of a contribution to psychology, risen in number of femal editire of journals, chairs of psychological departments and have risen from these studies. Although still not yet equal to men of top ranks, are well respected and recognized in research and in opinion. I believe this article was a success as it benifieted not only womn but psychology as a whole, redoing a reproving methods through proven data bias. Most of the Methods now adopted are described as feminist