All Summer In A Day Isolationism

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In the story “All Summer In A Day”, Ray Bradbury expresses many themes. One theme that is the most evident is jealousy creates isolationism. The theme is conveyed through many people and scenarios. In the short story “All Summer In A Day”, by Ray Bradbury, there are many themes. However the theme jealousy creates isolationism is the most evident. The characters exhibit jealousy multiple times. One example could be in the movie, Margot and William both make paintings. Margot shows the class her painting and everyone is amazed. William sees the reaction given by the class and is worried his painting isn't good enough. William becomes hesitant and jealous of how favorable Margot’s painting is. The theme jealousy creates isolationism is expressed many times throughout the story. One example could be “‘ I think the sun is a flower, that blooms for just one hour.’ Aw you didn't write that protested one of the boys.” ( Bradbury, 1) The boy that says that to Margot is William. Jealousy is shown when William conveys his jealousy by not wanting to share his. A short time after this the climax occurs. Margot is trapped in the closet while the other students are experiencing the sun. William isolated her from the group. Because William was jealous he made a wrong decision and punished an …show more content…

William is jealous of Margot because she remembers the sun from when she lived on Earth. William can not picture what the sun looks like because the sun only comes out once every seven years for two hours. This could make the reader believe jealousy makes people desperate. A personal example of this could be, on Christmas I received a gift my cousin really wanted. She was begging me to trade gifts with her. This made my cousin jealous and desperate, because she wouldn't stop bothering me. My cousin was jealous of the gift I received. It made her want the gift more than she originally