Allegory In Young Earth Creationism

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A young earth creationist will emphasize that many interpreters of this text are overanalyzing the issue. The history in the Bible remains history to young earth creationists. If something looks like a rooster, crows like a rooster, and walks like a rooster, one must assume that it is a rooster, not a cow or a pig. They will not separate Genesis 1 “and call the next an adapted fable, meaning thereby that it is little worthy studying and interpreting,” but instead point out that Scripture is clear about the historicity of the Genesis account. When the Biblical authors refer to this event, they do so without acknowledging any “gap” in the text, and always refer to the Biblical characters, such as Adam and Eve, as people that existed on earth. …show more content…

Henry Morris states, “The Scriptures are not hard to understand-just hard to believe, and even harder to obey,” as many people focus too much on interpretation and not enough on the application of the text in their lives. Christians should look to be doers of the word, not purely hearers of it. This shows itself in a multitude of ways, one of which is how they look at the six “days” of creation. If someone uses the young earth exegesis to look at the grammatical historical context of the creation account, this will lead him or her to understand a literal six-day creation. This will lead them to interpret other key passages in a similar manner, like a literal virgin birth, a literal resurrection, and a literal belief in Jesus Christ as one’s savior. On the other hand, if one uses bad exegesis and puts man’s fallible ideas into their interpretation of the text, this may lead them to question the historicity of genesis, question the virgin birth, question the resurrection, and may eventually lead them to unbelief. They tie belief in a literal genesis to belief in a literal resurrection, because this view takes the doctrine of Scripture seriously. While these leaps may seem extreme, what is paramount to this view is that the person remains faithful to the text and not fall away from faith in Christ. By tying these two together, a young earth creationist will keep its …show more content…

A great question to ask about this is why would Noah be told to build an ark for all the animals of the earth if they could migrate to another location? From a logical standpoint, there does not seem to be an answer in light of how quickly animals can repopulate. A single pair of dogs and their children can create 67,000 dogs in six years, so there is no need for God to preserve the pair on the ark if other species are left on the earth. A local flood also does not fit the specifications that are given in the biblical narrative. Henry Morris, who holds a Ph.D. in hydraulic engineering, states, “A 17,000 foot high, 7-1/2 month-long “local” flood is hydraulically impossible! Only a global flood matches the biblical specifications.” While young earth creationists will often point to the Bible, their argument for a global flood is a