Alzen And Fishbeein's Theory Of Reasoned Action

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1.8 Theoretical Framework
Application of Alzen and Fishbeein’s Theory of Reasoned Action According to Alzen and Fishbeein’s theory of reasoned action, attitude consist of beliefs about the consequences of performing a behavior multiplied by his or her evaluation of these consequences. A person’s volitional behavior is predicted by his attitude towards that behaviors and how he thinks other people would view them if they perform the behavior. A person attitude, combine with subjective norms forms his behavioral intention. Miller (2005) defines each of the three components of the theory as follows and used example of embarking on a new exercise program to illustrate the theory.
1. Attitudes: The sum of beliefs about a particular behavior …show more content…

Larsenk: Bjerregaardl, and Madsen J.K. (2006), Studied the effect of research method cause on nurses, research activity, they use a one year research course in basic research methodology designed for clinical nurses and find it had a positive effect on the nurses own research and their commitment to research in general.
Research by Peter and Wayne (2010) Attitude and interest toward research among students at college of acupuncture England conducted to assess current attitudes regarding the value of research and to serve as reference point for documenting the impact of ongoing research training programs on these attitudes. This survey suggests that interest in research among students is high in their first year and students in their later years showed a lower level of interest. Result also indicate that students believe research is highly relevant.
Harrison looked at changes in nursing students’ knowledge and attitudes towards research following an undergraduate research course. They studied 54 students in a course that had them critique research articles, complete objective examination and pre and post tests meaning research knowledge and attitudes. More positive attitudes towards research were reported at the end than at the beginning of the …show more content…

The questionnaire was designed in lined with the objectives of the study. It has sections, with each section eliciting information on the research question.
The questionnaire has first introductory part, where the researcher introduces herself to her respondents, instructing them on what is expected of them and how to answer the questions. Section “A” of the questionnaire has to do with the socio-demographic data of the respondents. Section “B” was designed to initiate information on research questions number one and correspondingly section “C” “D” and “E” taking care of research questions 2,3, and 4.
The questionnaire was given to research supervisor for face validity, who made all the necessary correction of the instrument after which it was pre-tested on similar target population who are not from school of Nursing and Midwifery Mkar. The researcher conducted the pre-test of the questionnaire on students of School of Nursing Makurdi, Benue