Amazon's Checkout Line To The Public, By Elizabeth Weise

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The article published on USA Today’s website entitled “Amazon set to open its grocery store without a checkout line to the public” was written on January 21st, 2018 by Elizabeth Weise. The basis of this article concerns Amazon and their opening of their no checkout grocery store. This store is now open to the public in Seattle, Washington. According to numerous surveys and statistics, the number one complaint of costumers was waiting in long lines. To combat these complaints, Amazon spent years crafting and perfecting the technology needed to expedite the notorious checkout lines. In the article, it details exactly how Amazon is doing this minus the technological details of such a feat. It explains that all a customer needs to do is download the Amazon Go app and set up a payment method. Once a customer enters …show more content…

Hackers may be considered a part of the Social Conflict viewpoint when considering a store that does not have a checkout line. Hacker may be able to figure a way to override the technology used to bill customers and may be able to steal items or bill other customers for purchases they did not make. Another component to consider is the older generation and how they may be impacted with this development. The older generation has a tendency to shun new technological advancements and that may encompass Amazon’s new billing technology. Thirdly, a huge corporation, like Amazon, building stores in small towns may disrupt the fragile economy that rural communities usually have. Another portion of the Social Conflict Theory to consider is how it will affect the motivation of buyers. With advances in technology comes an easier world to live. However, this may make future generations lazier in other areas of their life. Lastly, with fewer associates present in a store without checkout lines, stores may be more vulnerable to theft and