
Ambassador Ideology

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The overall overthrow of the oil rig in the Artic Circle was a tricky situation. If I could redo this scenario I would to make better choices. Myself as the Ambassador had 8 days to make challenging decisions that affected everyone. Throughout this scenario I took the time to read the opinion of each advisor. I will be addressing the ideologies of each advisor and how their choice could have played a part in this situation. I will also be reflecting on the bad choices that I made. Furthermore, the first advisor was a lady from The U.S. Ambassador she seems to associate herself with the liberalism ideology as well as being part of the democracy government. I would say her ideological perspective resides on the liberal side. According to Unit …show more content…

In my opinion he seems to fit into all three categories. According to Unit 3, “A NATION IS A GROUP of people who feel a sense of community and want to be separate and self-governing. That sense of community can be created by a number of factors, including language, religion, race, and even political ideology (Unit 3). That quote relates to what the Nigeran Ambassadors stated below. He states that “ For decades, the elite in Nigeria have lived almost completely separate lives from those of the mass citizens…It is time for our people to become accountable to ourselves” (Nigeria Ambassador). That quote helps provide evidence for my opinion because he wants to protect his country and people as well as it being a community goal. Similarly, he feels that they should no longer be oppressed with the materialistic things from the Western world. He feels that it is time for his people to stand up for their basic needs such as healthcare and education. His concerned with taking the steps to make Nigeria …show more content…

Their main concern is money it is all about profit. I also feel that they both associate themselves with conservative ideology. According to Unit 5, “These conservatives see the society as a competition marketplace…To protect the free market, individualist conservatives have long favored a strong defense against the communist threat” (Unit 5). That quote shows that both advisors have similar thoughts that relate to this ideology. The Chevbill executive said, “thanks to your rich oil resources, we generated $42.1 billion in profit. We want to continue this success, but the situation in the Arctic is generating too much market instability. It’d be nice if this thing would just go away” (Chevbill). His words show that he wishes that all this would go away so that they can continue to make profit. This executive also mentions that “all this democracy talk is annoying” (Chevbill). That statement could indicate that he may be an Anarchism as well. Which in my words meaning not having authority/government. The Brazilian Ambassador also associates herself with being a conservative as mentioned above. She states that “We stand to gain a great deal of money if we can prolong the ordeal. If the rig was one of ours, I might have a change of heart, but it’s not” (Brazilian Ambassador). Her wishes are that this ordeal

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