
Amelia Earhart Activist

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Amelia Earhart, Aviator and Activist

Amelia Earhart was an amazing aviator and a pioneer of her time. She flew across vast distances all while supporting women's equality. Flying across oceans and helping to close the oceanic gap of gender equality. Earhart knew from a young age of the dissimilitude between the genders, as she kept track of prominent women in society and how much harder it was for them to succeed (Lorenzi 1). Thus all throughout her life she tried to turn the social structure into an equitable society for all.
As Lorenzi said “Defying conventional feminine behavior” Earhart did not conform to the general idea of womanism. It is only natural that “ The former tomboy”(Lorenzi) would continue this behavior in her later years. She never really became a woman, or at least the current societies definition of a woman. When she became an Aviator she without knowing it, also became an activist. Empowering women just by the very fact of being a woman, as she flies right into fame.
To expand, without really trying to, Earhart had become the figurehead for the women's suffrage movement. She was a women in power, or aviation, which was groundbreaking field where records were being set and broken every day. As most of the professions were back then it was predominately …show more content…

As we have established Earhart was a bit of a “tomboy”(Lorenzi 1). Her ” I can do anything” attitude ties into her involvement with the suffrage movement. She believed that women could do anything men could do. Which is of course true, but back then not many thought so. Her fame helped spread this attitude and her attitude helped spread the suffrage movement. Earhart believed in equality for everyone, she once said that “women have been overpraised for their achievements in flying”( Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum 2). She believed that women should be praised and respected equally, not better or

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