
Amy Winehouse Research Paper

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"If you don't throw yourself into something, you'll never know what you could of had." Hi, I'm Amy Winehouse one of the greatest singers of the 2000 millennium. Famous for the songs"Rehab" on the album "Back to Black" and "Valerie" on the album "Frank." If I didn't throw myself into music I wouldn't know all the amazing things that I would of missed. It all started when I was born on September 14th, 1983 right outside of southgate in London, England to the parents of Janis and Mitch Winehouse. Alex my one and only sibling was one of the best brothers ever, my favorite thing to do was embarrass him in front of everyone. My whole family was surrounded by jazz, I even had uncles that we're professional musicians. But let's get to the more important …show more content…

Around this time I had a hard time with depression, going to the doctor regularly and getting medication to help. As I got older I was listening to different jazz artists like James Taylor and Carole King and finally got my guitar when I was 13! That really made me unleash and start thinking that music is really the key to my happiness. I was always an inquisitive person and never in my life took NO for an answer! Ever since I was a little girl I always had to make a scene in front of everybody even if it meant fake choking in stores or singing at my brother's 16th birthday party in front of everybody! What manly started my singing career was when my close friend Tyler James passed my demo tape onto his label A&R, who was in search for a jazz vocalist. Ever since I was a little girl I was always the center of attention and will always be the center of attention. I was that type of female artist that took time in my music and put my heart and depth into my songs. Growing up around music I knew what stood out and what didn't music wise. At the Grammys I would be on stage waiting for my name to be called and while they were I would make funny comments to the famous singers that were competing against

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