An Analysis Of Uncle Tom's Cabin, By Harriet Beecher Stowe

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Uncle Tom’s Cabin is considered as an important novel in the history of America. In 1852, the novel was finished and published by Harriet Beecher Stowe, a female writer who cared about not only the condition of slaves but also the problems appeared in religion and politics. The novel contributed a lot to the Civil War without doubt since it aroused the eagerness of African Americans about freedom. The main character in this novel indicated the political objectives of Stowe.

The protagonist of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Uncle Tom, was a Christian who devoted himself to Christianity. He always prayed for others and when someone was in trouble, he usually tried his best to help him or her. Even after he knew his fate, he did not blame but to endure. The character of Uncle Tom was a typical slave at that time. The slaves just simply follow their masters and …show more content…

Shelby called Eliza had a different end with Uncle Tom. Harry, the child

of Eliza, was asked to be sold after showing his skill in front of Haley. When Eliza knew that her son would be sold and she would never see him again, she decided to escape to Canada. Although during the journey there were a lot of difficulties, with brave and love, she finally became safe. Through the character of Eliza, Stowe referred the spirit of resistance. She successfully used comparison to make both Uncle Tom and Eliza more comprehensive.

When the story came to Eva, the little girl who was a Christian, to show Christianity, Stowe made this character too simple. The girl contributed a lot to people around her and treated her slaves as a family. Eva and her beliefs effected St. Clare, Miss Ophelia and totally changed Topsy. However, Stowe just showed the kind part of Eva. The character of Eva seemed to be created for prove that Christianity should be spread. Also, the death of Eva and St. Clare were dramatically. Especially for St. Clare, his ending was unexpected and for some of the readers, it could not be