Analysis: I Strengthen Curriculum Alignment

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The principal has many responsibilities within the school. He/She is not just responsible for the educational aspect of a school or supervising the employees/educators of the school. The principal is responsible for the financial aspect as well. He/She has to prepare the school's budget. The budget helps ensure the school achieves its goals, establishes a control system and motivates their staff to work harder. I had not realized the financial aspect of being a principal until taking your finance course. It really got me thinking about the financial aspects of education , such as , salaries, incomes, taxes, federal, state, local, funding, demographics, and budgeting.


I …show more content…

Alignment consist of (curriculum, instruction, assessment and accountability) which strengthen the connection between these elements and have the most impact on student achievement.(Smith). We will use the process of aligning the curriculum to raise student scores by using the common core standards. Monthly vertical team meetings will focus on aligning standards, objectives and that’s all students have access to a guaranteed and viable curriculum, effective teaching and rigorous instruction designed to meet their needs(Smith). On, going professional development on: curriculum alignment, demonstrations of learning in the classroom, teachers will plan lessons using objectives that are aligned with demonstrations of learning and curriculum content and process skills, horizontal and vertical team planning, monitor and provide teamwork. Teachers will use feedback from regular observation to adjust their instruction, which will be an ongoing …show more content…

It will help garner support and create two-way relationships with parents through our Parent Academy , where parents learn how to engage with students at home, what their child will learn at school, and strategies to boost student learning for those who are underachievers.(Smith). Parental and community support will be enhanced through interactive learning opportunities where children, their teachers and community leaders teach parents in monthly one-hour evening sessions(Smith). Parent Academy is also a place where parents can voice opinions and get the necessary help for their children to be