Analysis Of Fast Food Lunches

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In the documentary schools are portrayed as having to depend on the food industries just so all the fast food lunches could stay after the money shortage. Schools had to turn to industries like Swanson. The junk food stayed and there were attempts to remove it, there were people defending the frozen pizza by labeling them as a vegetable. The state senator also defended the food industries not because they were serving “healthy food” as she claimed but only because of her financial gain. Students are getting obese because the lunch menu is filled with their favorite junk food and the healthy lunches are left behind. There are more and more vending machines in school everyday. There are vending machines ranging from soda, to chips, to coffee …show more content…

Food industries. They provide cheap junk food that student will eat, and it’s easier to preheat food in the microwave than to cook it even though that is the healthier option. Take the case of Terri, during lunch he was served a slice of pizza (or choice of hamburger), french fries, some sort of ice cream and a juice box. Food like that is tempting so that why he didn’t choose the healthy lunch. Just about everyone chose that version of the lunch and as the lunch lady said “we can’t make the choice for them” so all the healthy lunches were thrown away. For example in my school, the after school lunches don’t even try to be healthy although it is afterschool and there aren’t as many students present the food they serve is literally trash. Today i was served a chocolate milk, stale and wet hamburger and a ketchup packet. It’s not close to being healthy and it’s very low quality food. Once in biology i “tested” the same type of hamburger for proteins (which is normal to assume is in meat and is a necessary part of your diet) and i couldn’t find any in the …show more content…

Fast food meals tend to be both and that why people tend to rely more on that than on just cooking their own meal. In advertisements, fast foods now come in family meals and are always said to be cheaper. All that means to a buyer is good food, already cooked so no need to waste your time, cheap and can feed the whole family. Even though it’s cheaper to buy your own food and spend less than the “family meals” people don’t have time to cook their own food or maybe it’s just too difficult for them so food companies took that weakness and took advantage of it. People have come to believe that healthy food is too expensive to cook prepare so they just get family meals even though that was never true and it was a lie that was fed to them by the food