Cooked: Water By Michael Pollan

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Water is a basic unit in life. The human body is about 75% water and we need it daily to live. Generations have grown especially cooking with the use of water. In a documentary Cooked: Water by Michael Pollan, he argues that people need to stop letting corporations cook for us, and we need to start cooking for ourselves. I agree we need to start cooking for ourselves because it is healthier, less expensive, and more quality time with loved ones. It is important that we stop relying on corporations because it can be harmful to our health. The food that corporations make have so many chemicals to keep it fresh for longer. In processed foods, on the back will state the ingredients. Most people would not be able to pronounce some ingredients, and I learned if you can not pronounce it, it’s better not to eat it. Cooking at home is healthier, you can see most of the ingredients that are placed in the meals. Fast food restaurants are especially bad when being healthy because they should be speedy and need it fresh longer. Even eating out at nicer restaurants is not always healthy, they tend to give larger portions with tons of sodium and sugar. Our health is just one reason people need to start cooking for themselves. …show more content…

Going to restaurants can add up quickly, a meal with drinks and adding a possible dessert; because they look so good it’s hard to resist, and then giving a tip; it can be expensive. Then fast food restaurants may be cheap but starts to get expensive when people eat it almost every day, and spending gas to get the food. Our family shops for groceries weekly and it seems expensive at the checkout, but can lead to tons of meals. When my family cooks we have enough for a whole another meal. We end up getting two meals for about the cost of going out

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