Analysis Of Osama Bin Laden's Death Of Al Qaeda

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After the September 11th, 2001 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon; President George W. Bush needed to take a stand on terrorism in which he called Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda the most dangerous international terror organization that needed to be stopped. President Bush took the stand that it was the United States of America’s responsibility to stop global terrorism and relied on issues brought up in Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations to support his decisions. President Bush’s policy was placed in order to stop terrorism as a whole, but specifically to take down Al Qaeda, and Bin Laden specifically by targeting Afghanistan, which was controlled by the Islamic Taliban militia. The United States of America faced a lot …show more content…

Bush first launched this war on terrorism and specifically on Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, he claimed it would last multiple months and multiple years to combat this issue. Ironically, Al Qaeda is still prospering as an international organization and Osama Bin Laden was never taken down under the Bush administration only to be taken out three years after Barrack Obama first became president. Many thought that after Osama Bin Laden’s death Al Qaeda would crumble, however the death of Bin Laden made way for another leader to step up and guide Al Qaeda to continue causing harm and terror to innocent people from the west. The new leader of Al Qaeda is known as Ayman al-Zawahiri, whom the United States intelligence agency has offered a twenty-five million dollar reward for any information that could lead to al-Zawahiri’s capture. Ground troops have been pulled out of Afghanistan and a good portion of Al Qaeda has been captured or killed, however there is still around 30,000 active Al Qaeda spread throughout the Middle East. By no means was the Bush administration’s policy to destroy Al Qaeda successful. President Bush’s decision to declare war on Islamic terror groups was destructive to American forging policy and the Obama administration spent the first four years of President Obama’s tenure cleaning up the mess left by the incompetent …show more content…

When political leaders in a nation portray a religious group of people as corrupt villains that are out to destroy the world, there is a sense of bigotry and invalid hatred that will drip down into the people under the nations governing party. The United States of America has fallen into this hole that happens too often in war time. That is the hole of taking away peoples basic human rights because they look a certain way or are from a certain region. Government leaders like the ones from the Bush Administration would argue that these tightened constraints on immigrants from the Middle East has been beneficial because it has put higher safety precautions for terrorists attempting to enter the United States, however, Scholars will argue that this is just negative backlash from Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations that portrayed all people that were not white Westerners as

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