
Analysis Of Starclimber By Kenneth Oppel

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Starclimber by Kenneth Oppel is a book of action, adventure, adversity and discovery. The book is a great read about space and the first ones in space. The novel has some fantastic characters and contains some amazing literary elements. The theme of the book is that no one is who they look like on the outside. This book has many different themes but the one that stands out the most is the fact that no one is who the look like on the outside. This is shown by many different characters in the book. For example in the beginning of the book when Matt is working on the celestial tower one of his crew members betrays him and tries to kill him. “...the others never questioned my command. Not even Christophe… I looked at him, confused, before realizing what was going on. No one was pointing a gun at Christophe (pages 4-6).” Obviously Christophe wasn't who he said he was, he was bad. Another character that is this way is Kate. She is a rich girl from canada and some people hold her to bring only that. In reality she is a …show more content…

She discovered a species of squid that flies through the air, has 20 foot long tentacles that could electrocute a large cow and are able to go into hibernation when there isn't enough water. She is so intelligent that she was invited onto the space mission without even having to go through training. This quote is when she was invited to go on the space mission, “‘Well, it's very kind of you to think of me,’ Kate said modestly. ‘Will you join us, then, Miss de Vries?’ ‘I'd love to,’ she said without a second’s hesitation(pg 41).” Matt on the other hand had to prove himself in training to get onto the space mission. This is showing how the leaders of the trip believed in her abilities and her brain more than the hundreds of male recruits to go into training. Surely Miss Kate de Vries is the smartest one on the trip and in the book so there is no doubt that she deserved to be on that

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