Analysis Of The Movie Babies

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The film Babies demonstrates areas of socialization and development that are etic and emic between countries. Therefore, this paper will examine how the countries are similar and different in their practices of raising babies allowing the observer to see if it impacts their overall development. First of all, in the four countries observed, Namibia, Japan, Mongolia, and the United States, there were areas that were universal in the development of the babies. All of the mothers performed basic tasks to ensure the survival of the babies. These include feeding, cleaning, sleeping, providing shelter, and comforting the babies. Each mother ensures to perform these tasks throughout the day. These practices seem universal because the mothers want to see the baby growing in a healthy manner. Additionally, when viewing the film, I noticed that the person who spent the majority of the time raising the baby in their early months was the mother. The mother was there to provide a nurturing environment in all aspect of life. However, although all the cultures demonstrated the interconnectedness in human behavior, there were differences in how each mother performed their duties. In the beginning of the film, the viewer is able to notice the differences in the treatment of babies from the moment of birth. For example, in Namibia, Ponijao is born in a hut with no doctor present, while in San Francisco Hattie is born in a hospital with the guidance of nurses, doctors, and her father

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