
Analyze Current Trends Regarding Technology In Business

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Introduction The task for week six assignment is to, Analyze Current Trends Regarding Technology in Business. I will assess the current topics trending on LinkedIn relating to Apple and their current advancement in technologies. Apple, Inc. is one of the world?s state of the art tech giants. LinkedIn services can be used to access the current data and trends to evaluate Apple?s social platform. Apples information is shared with millions of world professionals that have access to LinkedIn. Additionally, I will examine Apple?s role in globalization and leadership as it connects to the use of technology in the 21st century. Apple continues to excel in growth while maintaining social accountability. To understand who or what LinkedIn is; …show more content…

Which is why Apple continuously research advancement in technological growth to meet consumer needs. Trending on LinkedIn, you will find topics such as Apple Pay, Climate Change, Application development, and Legal Settlements (LinkedIn, 2017). One of the trends trending on LinkedIn that stood out was the Lawsuit, brought against Apple and Visa by a small Boston company. The violation, entailed serious infringements in security patents. According to the New York Times article, ?A small Boston company, founded by the inventor of a popular corporate encryption technology called?RSA SecurID, sued Apple and Visa disputing that the Apple Pay digital payment technology violates its patents? …show more content…

(2018) Environmental Responsibility Report | 2018 Progress Report, Covering FY2017 http://aple.com /environment Apple. (2017). Environment Responsibility Report. Retrieved from http://apple.com/environment Apple. (2013). Job Creation. Retrieved from http://www.apple.com/about/job-creation/ Bello, W. (2012, Feb. 7). The Apple connection: Globalization and outsourcing.?Toward Freedom.?Retrieved from?http://www.towardfreedom.com/globalism/2713-the-apple-connection-globalization-and-outsourcing Can, H., & Sharif, N. (2016). Global technology leadership: The case of China. Science & Public Policy (SPP), 43(1), 1. doi:10.1093/scipol/scv019 Goel, V. (2017). Apple Gets Permit to Test Self-Driving Cars in California. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/14/technology/apple-self-driving-car-permit.html?action=click&contentCollection=Technology&module=RelatedCoverage®ion=EndOfArticle&pgtype=article Goel, V. (May 21, 2017). Apple Pay Violates Patents Held by Security Technology Inventor, Lawsuit Alleges. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/21/technology/apple-pay-violates-patents-held-by-encryption-technology-inventor-lawsuit-alleges.htm?l?_?r=0 LinkedIn. (2017). What people are talking about now. Retrieved from

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