Global Competitive Advantages Of Apple Inc

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Apple Inc. is an American conglomerate company located in one immeasurable loop, Cupertino, California in the middle of the Silicon Valley. (OPPapers, 2012). Apple is motivated on their designing, developing, innovating new products like the personal computers, other related software products, and the electronic products such as MP3 players and iPods. Apple Inc.’s main products are iMac, iPod, iPhone, iPads and its latest advanced product is iWatch, which is on the edge of creating another revolution after iPhone. Apple Inc. has transformed its image from an inventive computer manufacturer to a fully-fledged consumer 's electronic company. Some facts of its success can be calculated from its sales is 21.7% in the year 2014. (Apple Inc. 10-k 2014). This essay will be covering how the apple Inc. accomplishes the global competitive advantage based on the Star Analysis frame work.

Apple Inc. was founded in 1976 in USA and since then Apple Inc. has been leading the way in innovating new products, however it has encountered numerous ups and downs since they started. As co-founder Stephen G. Wozniak opinion the location “Silicon Valley” also helped apple Inc. growth. (Apple computer,inc 2003)
Porter 's single diamond framework holds that a multinational enterprise builds on a home base to achieve international competitiveness. (Alan M. Rugman 1993) this Porter’s Diamond Model established by

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