
Angela Duckworth's Speech 'The Key To Success, Grit'

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Psychologist, Angela Duckworth, in her Ted talk’s speech called “The key to success, Grit” recounts the way to success. Duckworth’s purpose is to convey the idea that to how to make success. To be success is not to have the high IQ, good background and not to have good talents. It was a grit that can make us success. Many people think that to be successful is to have high IQ. But Duckworth respond that IQ does not make people success. While she teach 7 grader in New York public school system, Duckworth notice that her best performing students was not always the smartest one. She also notices that some of her strongest performers do not have high IQ scores. Duckworth said that “I was firmly convinced that every one of my students could learn
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