Anheuser Busch Brand Recognition Strategy

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Based on the data presented it appears that 1 out of every 2 college students are familiar with the brand Anheuser – Busch. This ensures that brand recognition is clearly apparent to most college students. Based on the data it appears brand loyalty plays a huge factor when it comes to consumers branching out and trying different beers. This brand loyalty and recognition can be used to our advantage when it comes to this holiday beer campaign. It is possible we may be able to use the brand name to draw in more consumers along with brand loyal consumers as well. Consumers also stated specifically that “taste” and “wasting money” were two there biggest concerns when it comes to buying a beer they have not tried. Essentially, consumers fear …show more content…

Most consumers focused on television advertising and advertising inside liquor stores and bars as what influenced their buying decision. What this tells us is that we should not be focusing a lot of time and money on Internet advertising and we should also not focus all our resources on television advertising. Most of our resources should be focused on traditional advertising inside liquor stores and bars seeing how these are where most people appear to be influenced when it comes to their purchasing decisions. One area that harms our campaign the most is the fact that most consumers do not drink beer according to season. This unfortunately harms us because if consumers are not consuming beers based on seasons this will most likely harm sales and consumers will probably focus on products that they are currently familiar with rather than new ones. Another piece of data that may harm our campaign is that 50% of consumers are not familiar with what type of beer they are tasting. This means that many consumers may not buy out beer based on the type of beer that it is. This loses one area for us to reach consumers that could otherwise be a huge way to attract