Animal Cruelty On Factory Farms

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Animals provide many of the vital and necessary products we as humans consume on a daily basis. Such as milk, eggs, cheese, pork, beef, etc. Most people are naive as to how we obtain these products. I know that I, personally, try to keep my thoughts away from wandering too far into that realm while eating at my favorite restaurants. Countless forms of abuse and neglect on factory farms are experienced and endured by these creatures every day in order for us to have access to our favorite products. Animal cruelty in labs and filthy living conditions on factory farms violate an animal’s quality of life and also negatively affects the food we consume in such a way that is harmful to humans. Animal cruelty on factory farms is inhumane, degrading, and just plain crude. The way that animals are raised and treated before being slaughtered affects the food that we yield from them. For instance, animals are held in such cramped and unsanitary living conditions that almost all of them contract diseases from swimming in their own feces or excrement and breathing in harmful chemicals. These diseases include: Respiratory diseases, Bacterial infections, Keratoconjunctivitis, Heart attacks, and the list goes on (Carmody 1). When these animals become ill, farmers feed them too many antibiotics which, in …show more content…

These results formed from these tests have guided scientists to create life saving vaccines and medecines. There are other ways to get these results that would leave animals out of the picture and cost less. Alternative testing methods are readily available to scientists that include: petri dish testing, microdosing, artificial human skin, and Microfluidic chips (Animal Testing 2). Although nothing can accurately compare to a living breathing test subject these alternatives give a similar, if not identical, set of circumstances that a living subject might