Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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Behind Scientific Research are Animals’ Screams
Animals are a part of our lives, undeniably and the issue of using animal in research remains controversial during the past few decades. Some supporters despite their acknowledgement of animals’ essential roles in human lives believe that it is acceptable to test on animals for scientific and commercial research whereas others state that animal testing is tantamount to abusing them and depriving their own rights. However, under no circumstances are animals used to suffer brutal human tests.
Firstly, some people agree with the idea of using animals for human’s health care benefits because of certain similarities between animals and humans. They argue that some animals which resemble human’s physical structure are useful objects for scientists to research, determine the toxicity of drugs, and find cures for serious diseases. However, will it be an effective method when the inherent differences in biology between humans and animals can lead to misleading results? There are some experiments that will work on animals but not on humans. For instance, in cosmetic research, the tests of reactions of certain kinds of makeup on animal skin prove counter-effective compared with real …show more content…

It is argued that drugs can cause significant dangers to humans without thorough testing on living organism and animals seem to be great alternatives in lab experimenting before trials are conducted on humans. Nevertheless, the cost of animal tests can be its main downside. Conducting experiments for animal testing are expensive, accompanied with various extra fees of housing, medical treatment, food, and drugs for animals while the results are not fully guaranteed and budgets of scientific research are limited. Hence, animal tests should not be conducted for its high