Animal Testing Persuasive Essay

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Every year millions of innocent animals are killed or severely harmed in animal experimentation. In laboratories all around the world animals are put through torture for research. Many of these tests however, can lead to misleading or even false information, considering how different an animal’s anatomy can be to ours. This in turn puts them through pointless torment. Now-a-days we even have some alternatives to animal testing, which is ethical and lead to more conclusive data. Animal experimentation gives us misleading data, is unnecessary and inhumane. Animals of all species are subjected to tests that leave them mutilated or even kill them. Some are injected with horrible chemicals then are left in their barren cages to suffer. Others are administered terrible deceases that slowly kill them. Some laboratories do not provide any pain relief or veterinary care for these animals. Some animals are even put through these conditions for things that are not even necessary for human welfare such as cosmetics. These poor creatures are not only put through physical pain, but also have to suffer being socially isolated and psychologically traumatized. …show more content…

Many people fail to see that because animals have numerous biological differences from humans, testing on them rarely results in data that can be applied to humans. For example Cancer has been cured in mice, but their cure did not do anything for humans. Even in primate species this happens. HIV/AIDS vaccines have been successful for monkeys but have failed to prevent AIDS in people. We often find cures for deceases in animals but their cures often have no effect on human deceases. Deceases that are artificially injected in animals can never be identical to those that occur naturally in humans. Animal testing is expensive, time consuming and large failure