Animal Testing: Pros And Cons

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*Screech* the animals barely make out as they are being ripped out of their cages knowing they will soon be put through more. As if last time wasn’t enough. An issue that is debated commonl is about animal testing and whether it is helping or has had a poor outcome. Others may argue that it is beneficial, but in fact animal testing is cruel and should no longer be tolerated. First of all animals are not humans, we are different creatures with different ways of life and conditions. Another reason is that there are many deaths all together also what happens after the testing is done, is horrible. After all, there are numerous alternatives. This is not the only thing that we can be doing and there are many other ways of figuring out cures for …show more content…

Dr. Elias Zerhouni makes an amazing point of that, “We have moved away from studying human disease in humans. … We all drank the Kool-Aid on that one, me included. … The problem is that [animal testing] hasn’t worked, and it’s time we stopped dancing around the problem. … We need to refocus and adapt new methodologies for use in humans to understand disease biology in humans.” At the point in his quote when he states that animal testing has basically failed and that we need to stop “dancing around the problem” makes this that much more true. Animal testing is not working and it is useless. The couple of many alternatives against animal testing consist of Chips relating to human cells and the Human Skin Replica. The first solution is the organs-on-chips method. This is when chips have human matter on them, they are containing human cells. This can show scientist how organs grow and form for humans. Key word there, humans because humans are humans and animals are animals. They also use cell-based models and tissues that are used for the safety of drugs for people. This is so much more relatable to us because it is our cells and organs. It will also show scientists how our bodies will react to medicines and drugs. The second alternative that can be used is the human skin replica. This is obviously a close relation to our skin. The replica will show scientists our reactions to skin allergies. Normally guinea pigs and mice are used for these tests on their skin, but now they are being happily replaced by the models. They are either injected with the substance or it is applied to their shaved skin, this will help them with no more pain and having them living a better life. This shows that there are many alternatives to animal testing that are not harmful to anyone or