Animation Progression

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Animation has become a really big part of our society, and it continues to grow even larger each year. With so many young people willing to learn the secrets that it hold, it will continue to grow far beyond what it is right now. I aim to share my opinion and point of view about animation in this essay and what an amazing journey it's going to be and also the defferent aspects of animation and what it holds in our everyday lifes.

I feel like I'm lucky to have gotten this opportunity to work on such an incredible subject and I cannot wait to share my ideas to the world. I want to help the Animation industry grow bigger, and also become a bigger part of it, learning as much as I can along the one and becoming more experienced. …show more content…

3D computer generated, 2D computer generated, traditional and stop frame. Which all four of these animators will need to know to be able to successful in their career one day

Animation consumes a lot of time and a lot of effort needs to be put into it to ensure that their work is done on time and to keep their employer or clients happy.
Animators usually get tasks from directors, clients or key animators. They work on a single assigned character or layout and they always have to make sure that they work in a certain style so that it may seem like one animator did all the work.

An animator needs be creative, open minded, full of ideas. Being an animator, you have a lot of responsibilities that you need to take care of to insure that your work will have the best quality and what is expected from you. Slacking off and not making the deadline won't cut it, and you'd most likely lose your client and your pay.

Some animators specialise in one or a few more certain effect, for example, lighting, rigging, water FX, fur and feather FX, modeling, textures, visual effect etc. If they excel in a certain categorie, they will be hired or used to work that into an assignment.

My role in the animation