Annotated Bibliography

877 Words4 Pages

Yiding Duan
Professor Marc
Feb. 7, 2015
Annotated Bibliography
Kattel, R. (2014). Governance of innovation policy: the case of Estonia. Trames: A Journal of the Humanities & Social Sciences, 8(4), 397-418.
An innovation policy focus on encourage investor to invest in the high technology and skills field, in order to increase the value of the company in these field. The innovation will help a country’s economic growth and improve the living standard of a country. Estonian economy was decline in the middle 1990s because of the competitiveness was decrease. Therefore, the innovation policy was set for improve the competitiveness. However, the innovation policy did not serve this purpose really well. So, this paper is talking about …show more content…

Also aims to find the most the imperfect survey that often lead. This article is made by two parts, the first part is focus on the period before 1987, and research the business activities of Finnish investment in the former Soviet Union. Author mentioned several others already researched this part since it is talked about the development of enterprise and foreign investment in Estonia. The second part aims the foreign investment activity in Estonia since 1987. During that period, most foreign company that invests in Estonia tried to take off the Soviet Union influences. Based on the research author did, these company become more successful after Soviet Union separate in …show more content…

Also, based on author’s result, I can learn that the disadvantage of Estonia’s employee statues inside the company.
Uukkivi, R.,Ots, M., & Koppel, O. (2014). Systematic approach to economic regulation of network industries in estonia. Trames; A journal of the humanities & Social Sciences, 18(30. 221-241. Doi: 10.3176/tr.2014.3.02.
This article did research on the naturally monopolistic Estonia, such as railways, water, and oil. These industries are often subject to economic regulation, and also the news of these industries is attractive to the public. Author addressed elements of economic regulation in Estonia, and based on his research from other author, he realized the empirical evaluation of the effects of economic regulation in Estonia has been completely absent.
This article took a look of the Estonia’s naturally industries, and this will be helpful resource for my resource on business situation of Estonia. For my research, I need to understand the situation for smaller size business in Estonia, but I still need to understand the large industries company work in Estonia. In this way, I can understand the difference and be able to discuss the change for Estonia’s business.