Annotated Bibliography

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Inventory Control in the Laboratory-Annotated Bibliography

Beheshti, H. M., Grgurich, D., & Gilbert, F. W. (2012). ABC inventory management support system with a clinical laboratory application. Journal of Promotion Management, 18(4), 414-435. doi:10.1080/10496491.2012.715502
This article states that managers are responsible for reducing costs associated with inventory. Turn-around time is an important measure of the laboratory's value. This article describes the ABC system of planning inventory. This system is based on using available resources where it will have the biggest impact. This will be a good article to reference the manager’s responsibility. I will be able to tie this to my job duties in my present work place environment.
McHugh, …show more content…

Since the lab cannot control the number of patients scheduled for lab work, it must be prepared to ensure sufficient levels of supplies are available. Supply management was introduced into the laboratory in 1979. It describes the positive results of supply management. The Clinical Laboratory Sciences Institute (CLSI) has guidelines for a basic management system implementation. This article describes a supply chain management circuit. The article details examples of different types of inventory and mentions that overstocking can be costly and wasteful. A management system is necessary to manage supplies, ensure adequate inventory that will be used in a timely manner, and decrease waste. The article talks about "desired quantity on hand" as well as a "reorder point". There are also theories that can be put into use to see if supply management could be improved. This is a great article for the paper as it tells about the management circuit as well as mentions CLSI in the supply management …show more content…

The article talks about the reasons that inventory control is important. It describes several forms that can be used to manage the inventory. No matter which form is used, there are certain functions which should be available. The article goes into detail of these functions and their use in the lab. This is a great article for my paper. It is directed to the lab in many areas that inventory control is advantageous. I will have a lot of useful information for my paper with this

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