Annotated Bibliography

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Where in the World is the ‘Third World’? An Argument against ‘Third World’ Terminology
Breanna Lester (110583550)
Wilfrid Laurier University
GS212 Practices of Development, Dr. Pietro Pirani

With development emerging as a focal point of the international arena during the second half of the 20th century, categorization of countries into the various stages within economic development became prominent (Pirani, 2015). Along with the labelling associated with international development came the implications of conceptualizing development; most notably was the common definition of development, where significant economic growth was at the forefront and other factors important to the well-being of humans were all but disregarded (Haslam, Schafer, & Beaudet, 2012). In its history, development theory has seen significant shifts in how development and growth are perceived and implemented, along with discourse on how …show more content…

(May 2011). Dialogue and Discovery: In Search of International Relations Theories Beyond the West. Millenium: Journal of International Studies 39.3, 619-637.
Bernstein, H. (July 2006). Studying Development/Development Studies. African Studies, 45-62.
Haslam, P. A., Schafer, J., & Beaudet, P. (2012). Chapter 1: Meaning, Measurement, and Morality in International Development. In P. A. Haslam, J. Schafer, & P. Beaudet, Introduction to International Development: Approaches, Actors, and Issues (pp. 3-24). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Huntington, S. P. (November 1996). The West Unique, Not Universal. Foreign Affairs, 28-46.
Pirani, P. (2015, May 4). Lesson One: Introduction to Our Course: Defining our Terms and Concepts. Lecture. Waterloo, Ontario, Canada: Wilfrid Laurier University.
Sylvester, C. (1999). Development Studies and Postcolonial Studies: Disparate Tales of the 'Third World'. Third World Qaurterly, 703-721.
Wood, G. (July 1985). The Politics of Development Policy Labelling. Development and Change,