
Annotated Bibliography

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Cudmore, G. (2005). Globalization, internationalization, and the recruitment of international students in higher education, and in the ontario colleges of applied arts and technology. The Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 35(1), 37-60. Retrieved from http://ezproxy.uwindsor.ca.ledproxy2.uwindsor.ca/login?url=https://search-proquest-com.ledproxy2.uwindsor.ca/docview/221136363?accountid=14789
This article examines the rise of students travelling internationally to attend universities or colleges and how higher education institutions in Canada need to position themselves to take advantage of this. Cudmore first looks at globalization and its impact on higher education and then shows how higher education has become internationalized. …show more content…

They argue that by knowing what parts of the student experience are considered the most important by students the institutions can know how to effectively market themselves to potential students, as well as how to actually create an environment that meets those expectations so that they can retain the students that they attract. The authors go through their methodology of a questionnaire, then report the findings that showed that student-centeredness, campus climate and instructional effectiveness have a big impact on how satisfied students are with their overall experiences. Their results also showed that strategies to attract students and to retain students could differ with different areas needing to be emphasized. The article concludes by noting that the most effective way to recruit students is through positive word of mouth, where satisfied students are able to recruit potential students just by talking positively about their …show more content…

Without knowing what is important to students, attempting to recruit them would be fruitless without blind luck. At the same time, it also points to the importance of improving the satisfaction of current students in order to reach potential students. One of the strengths of this article is that it thoroughly questions actual students on what is important to them in their educational experiences and their level of satisfaction both overall and in those specific areas. At the same time, one of the weaknesses (that they do identify in the article) is that not every factor of student satisfaction can be taken into consideration. Examples that they provide is the influence of the prestige of the institution, price and student grades. Still, I personally find this material to be very helpful when thinking about recruiting students. Knowing the importance of each area helps to craft a plan that would be able to effectively recruit students. At the same time, recognizing the importance of the satisfaction of current students and their potential role in recruiting students through word of mouth is essential. I think that this material provides a solid groundwork to help schools and faculties recruit and retain

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