Annotated Bibliography Leadership Styles

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This annotated bibliography has been prepared to provide readers the essential information on leadership and management.

Source 1:
Zaleznik, A., 1977. Managers and Leaders: Are they different? Harvard Business Review, 55(3), p.67

Abraham Zaleznik was leading scholar and teacher in the field of organizational psychodynamics and the psychodynamics of leadership. He was a practicing psychoanalyst and the author of 16 books. The author of this article said that most societies are caught between two differing needs. One for managers to preserve the balance of operations and one for leaders to create new methods and imagine new areas to explore. The author does not say impossible for a person to be both leader and manager but suggests that because leaders and managers are basically different types of people, the conditions favorable to the growth of one may be unfavorable to the other. The author showed that the managers and leaders have different attitudes towards their goals, careers, and relations by using the example of Alfred P. Sloan and Edwin Land among others. The author also showed how leaders are psychologically different from managers

Source 2:
Watkins, M.D., 2012. How Managers Become Leaders. Harvard Business Review, 90(6), p.4-10

Michael Watkins is Professor of Leadership and Organizational Change at IMD. He has spent …show more content…

He helps bring CEOs or Senior Executives and organizations to higher performance levels. He is a Wall Street Journal, Leadership Excellence, Talent Management, Chief Learning Officer, etc. The author of this article explains the way in which management and leadership can achieve high engagement in organizations. According to the author, organizations depend on on both leaders and managers to make best use of their accomplishments. He also mentions that the companies need to improve competencies in their managers and leaders to ensure that their several needs are