Ap Psychology Case Study Of Ptd

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PTED Scale
• Tool that can help psychiatrist recognize the severity of embitterment disorder.
• Because reactive embitterment disorder can have negative consequences if individual cannot cope with it, the PTED scale allows psychiatrists to also assess the intensity of embitterment.
• Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy
• Wisdom therapy

Post Traumatic Embitterment Disorder (PTED)

By: Kelly Bedoya
September 27, 2017

• A proposed mental disorder based on research by German psychiatrist Michael Linden and his coworkers.

• Linden defined PTED in 2003 as “a mental reaction to a critical even that is normal, but not every day, and in this respect exceptional.”

• PTED is defined as a mental reaction to a negative life event that is perceived by the …show more content…

As a result, the individual cannot process this event and fails to readjust or adapt to this experience.

What type of events can cause PTED?

• Conflict at work
• Death in the family
• Bullying
• Separation/Experiencing loss
• Unemployment
• Straining
-negative intention

“A group of 118 people all reporting conflict at work were evaluated with the LIPT questionnaire, the PTED self-rating scale and a guided psychological interview. 91.5% proved to be affected by a PTED, the slight majority males, aged between 31 and 40 years and subjected to bullying.”

Diagnostic Criteria for PTED by the Linden et al.

• PTED can be consider a form of Adjustment Disorder. There is a stressor present, intrusive memories, and distress/emotional disturbance, but there are no periods of remission as seen in AD.

• Unlike depression, where there is a dysfunction in mood regulation (biological or psychological cause), PTED involves a dysfunction in the regulation of the meaning of the event.

Disorder PTED vs Post-Traumatic Stress

• PTSD served as a model for