Summary Of Are Our School Lunches Healthy Enough

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In the article “Are Our School Lunches Healthy Enough”,by McClatchy-Tribune News Service. The First Lady Michelle Obama’s Campaign to make school lunches healthier. One reason, that it is good to make school lunches healthier is that some parents are paying for unhealthy school lunches that their kids are eating. Another reason, that it is good to make school lunches healthier is that 1 in 3 kid are overweight or obese. The last reason, is that it is not good to make school lunches healthier because the government is ignoring parents and saying that parent can’t make the healthy choice for their children.
One of the reasons that people agreed is some parents are paying unhealthy school lunches that their kids are eating. In the article it stated “Less Fat, More Veggies”, it said, “It recommends meals containing fewer calories, less fat and salt, and more fruit, vegetables …show more content…

It recommends meals containing fewer calories, less fat and salt, and more fruit, vegetables and whole grains. Most parents would agree these are excellent goals. This shows that 1 in 3 American children were overweight.Although the program that Michelle Obama made is helping kids eat more fruit and vegetables so they could grow healthy.In conclusion, American parents should enthusiastically join first lady Michelle Obama’s campaign for healthier school lunches.
Finally, it is a great idea that someone care about student weight and health. Parent doesn’t need to worry about kids lunches, Kids can lose weight or obese, and how governors thinking that parent not giving kids healthy food. This is why the article is right about the school needing to keep healthy food for the

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