Argumentative Essay: Low Cost Of Nuclear Energy

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I am for nuclear power because of the following reasons. It is relatively cheap, it is a base load energy, low pollution, you can use thorium, its sustainably, and it has high energy density. There are many difficulties too such as the mining destroys the land, it makes a lot of waste, there is a chance of a meltdown, and the cost a lot to start. Nuclear power has relatively low cost. It may cost a lot to start, but it makes your money back quickly because of the amount energy it produces. The price for nuclear energy is 2.10 dollars per kilowatt. It compares to coal, oil and natural gas. Coal is 3.23kw, oil is 2.10-21.56 cents per kwh, and natural gas is 12 cents per kwh. Nuclear power is a base load energy which means you can use it with other energy makers. coal , Oil, and Natural gas can be used along with the nuclear power to make more energy for the consumer, which is all of us humans. We all need it to live, so why not have ways were we can combine it with other ones to get the most of our money. …show more content…

It makes pollution in the water which it releases back into the environment. Fossil fuels cause acid rain and global warming by putting carbon dioxide. It makes other alternatives look like the are the worst thing ever. Thorium, It is possible to fuel nuclear power plants with other fuel types than uranium. Thorium, which also is a greener alternative, has lately been given an increased amount of attention. China, Russia and India already have plans to start using thorium to fuel their reactors in the near future. You are also able to make thorium, just it makes it in small