
Argumentative Essay On All Year Round School

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A controversial topic of schooling is the subject of all-year-round schooling. All-year-round schooling is when schools do not take the generic 2 months of summer vacation and instead take a 2-3 week vacation every 45 days of school. Some people disagree with this method of schooling as they think that it is ineffective as it has no educational impact, costs a lot of money on things such as utility bills, and also takes away time for summer which students use as a time to relax. Although some of these points may be factual, it does not mean that year-round schooling is not effective for many groups of people.

Some may argue that year-round schooling is ineffective and does not boost student grades, however, due to the generic study method with no time to relax and recharge students are feeling burnout. Burnout is a state of mental, physical, or emotional exhaustion when too much stress and work is laid on a student. When these conditions are seen in a student, they are in no position to learn as the overwhelming stress will cause them to be unfocused and may lead to mental illnesses. …show more content…

This allows for students to spend more time during the breaks to go over topics that challenges them. This is great for students that work at slower paces as they can now fully understand the material which allows them to excess academically. The fact that the material is taught through out ther year also makes sure that students are fully prepared for the following school year. A problem many students face is that after the 2 months of summer break, they often forget material from the previous year. Students then need to take the time to review old material which then takes away from the time they have to learn new things. For numerous students interviewed throughout the US, having material spread throughout th year was the way to

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