Essay On Year Round School

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Summer is not far away.Would you like to spent your summer by having fun or going to school ? Are you one of the students lagging behind? Then all year school will help. The problem is that President Obama and some other experts are recognizing that American kids are lagging behind the kids of other countries. The biggest change is that President Obama is changing the traditional school calendar from 10 months school to 12 months of school. Also “some year -round schools offer optional classes during vacation weeks”(14).Also “all summer days are often spent indoors,playing video games and watching TV” page 15. Districts should consider changing the school calendar to an all year program.

There are many reasons why schools should have 12 months school.they are :
”Firstly, a 12 month program keeps , learning process ongoing with minimal disruption.Also ”the U.S. already has about 3,000 year-round schools “to help the children who are lagging behind other countries.Also to help them be better in their studies and also to help them be the best from other countries like China,South Korea etc.Thirdly,”summer days are often spent indoors, playing video games and watching TV.Our schedule offers the kids a break from school right when they need it. I think that spending all the summer indoors is not a good idea as we do not study at …show more content…

American tradition,a time for all families to reconnect and for kids to recover from the academic and the social stress of school. Also the tradition started when it used to be too hot during the summer. I disagree as all the summer is usually spent by staying indoors and playing video games, watching Tv etc which is not good for your eyes. Also during the summer student students do not do much of a study than they should do.Also university study even suggested kids attending year-round are at a slight