Argumentative Essay On Daylight Saving Time

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Throughout the year, there is a noticeable difference in how light the sky appears in the morning or at night during each season. This change in daylight cycles is caused by the process of Daylight Saving Time. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of setting the clock one hour forward in the spring, and then changing the clock back to normal in the fall. DST was first implemented in the U.S. in 1918, and has been used ever since then. Daylight Saving Time should be abolished because it interferes with the body’s circadian rhythm, has been linked to health complications, and is outdated. Daylight Saving Time messes with the body’s circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is the physical, mental, and behavioral changes an organism experiences over a 24-hour cycle. According to “What Are Circadian Rhythms”, many …show more content…

This includes reaction time, response to emergency situations, and reduced concentration. Daylight Saving Time has a direct correlation to health complications. Daylight Saving Time is extremely outdated. It is a common belief that daylight savings time was first implemented to be of aid to the farmers. However, this is not true, the farmers were actually against daylight savings time. According to the website, daylight savings time was first executed during World War II for energy conservation. At the time, there was a shortage of oil because it was needed to power ships, airlines, tanks, and run factories for the war. As stated by the article "Does Daylight Saving Time Save Energy,” by reducing the need for light in the evening, the U.S. was able to save energy. Today, the U.S. is not in the middle of a world war, therefore there is no need for energy conservation by daylight. Daylight saving time does not help with saving energy at this time, and has no other benefits. Instead of helping, daylight savings time is more of a detriment than an