Persuasive Essay On Daylight Saving Time

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Are you tired of changing your clocks every Daylight Savings Time? Originally, the United States first instituted Daylight Savings Time in 1918 to preserve gas and oil during WWI. After the war, it was removed until 1966 when the Uniform Time Act made Daylight Savings Time a nationwide practice. (Klein) Throughout the years, much of the public has expressed their opinions on the issue about whether it serves a purpose. While some support Daylight Savings Time for benefiting the economy, the time change unfavorably affects people in health, productivity and cost. With the time change Daylight Savings Time brings, the adjustment in sleep patterns often leads to negative health effects. The sudden change of time can confuse body clocks, which then need to reset over time. “Changing sleep patterns, even by one hour, goes against a person's natural circadian rhythms and has negative consequences for health” (Abad-Santos). Just from losing an hour of sleep, the …show more content…

During the extended evening hours, consumers spend more dollars during daylight. “Later daylight means more people shopping after work, increasing retail sales, and more people driving, increasing gas and snacks sales for eight months of the year.” (Handwerk, NPR, Powers) Though it is a disadvantage to consumers, industries gain money and help improve the economy. However, to argue this case, changing the clocks is extremely expensive. The minutes spent to perform this task is a waste of productivity and money. “According to the Lost-Hour Economic Index, moving the clocks forward has a total cost to the US economy of $434 million nationally, factoring in health issues, decreased productivity, and workplace injuries” (Sleep Better). This information reveals the greater loss Daylight Savings Time promotes just by changing the