
Argumentative Essay On Edward Snowden

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Many people do not know what whistleblowers do, why they are important, or how they are protected. A whistleblower is a person who informs people about a person or organization that is in the wrong, like violating the Constitution or the federal law. There are some whistleblowers who try to inform the American public about something that is corrupt in our government, and they are not protected. Edward Snowden is one of America’s most famous whistleblowers and he wasn’t protected under any law when he exposed our government for spying on the American people without our consent or knowledge, this is why we need more laws to help protect whistleblowers when they speak up about the wrong things that our government is doing. Ron Fournier is an associate publisher of Crain's Detroit Business and a former senior political columnist at National Journal and in his article “Off the Grid: A Good Time for Bad News” (January 6 2014), he states “Snowden shouldn’t be charged with treason”. Which since Fournier earlier explained that, “Snowden revealed NSA surveillance of American citizens… He exposed our leaders’ lies” which means that since Snowden was just trying to give information to the American people, like other whistleblowers, he shouldn’t be charged with treason since treason means, the crime of betraying one’s country which is …show more content…

This is only helpful if their state has laws to help whistleblowers, if they don’t have laws to help them then whistleblowers could be fired on the spot for turning in correct information on how their company was in the wrong and since they would not be covered by any law this would be legal. In the article it has every state and their law(s) on whistleblowers, they all tend to vary on what they protect and help

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