
Argumentative Essay On Gay Adoption

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ntroduction(Allyssa Baas) “People ask me: ‘What about gay adoptions? Interracial? Single parents?’ I say: ‘Hey fine, as long as it works for the child and the family is responsible.’ My big stand is this: ‘Every child deserves a home and love. Period.’”(Thomas, 2017, p1) All over the country thousands of children are going without homes and without families, being sent from one foster home to the next. These children need homes, and there is a large amount of those willing to adopt, but because of the views of others they are not allowed that opportunity. These couples are criticized and belittled for one small fact, they are apart of a same-sex relationship. Those for and against gay adoption do agree on one thing, and that is the need for children in foster homes to be adopted. Due to religious views many disagree on whether or not to allow gay adoption, but the two sides do agree that the need for children to be adopted is at an all time high. …show more content…

“History has not treated the LGBT individuals kindly and, therefore, their ability to adopt and even get married is a very recent development. In fact. Most of the important moments in history of gay adoption have only happened in the last 40 years.” The main difficulty when deciding on whether or not to allow gay adoption is that many believe it is unchristian and will affect the child's development. “Time and time again, gay adoption research has indicated that there are no detrimental effects to children who are raised by same-sex parents.” Same-sex couples argue that since there is no evidence supporting the claim then they should be allowed to adopt children who are desperately in need of a home. There is no other way for the children in foster homes and orphanages to be given a family if so many rules are put into the

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