Argumentative Essay On Gun Control

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In America, guns have been a part of the country’s society since the beginning. Overtime, guns have been used to protect the nation, protect their families, hunt for food and even sporting activities. It is clearly written in the Second Amendment of the Constitution that the people will have the right to bear arms. But in recent times, there has been a misuse of guns from American citizens. Moreover, the issue of guns and gun control is a highly controversial topic to talk about in America. Gun control is one of these intense issues that has both sides firmly entrenched in their positions. In my opinion, there needs to be more gun control, not that guns should be dismissed permanently. The death rates, school shootings and gun violence incidents …show more content…

“Assault weapons have been used to peterate some of the worst mass murders ever committed in the United States.” Brady Campaign said. Some of the semiautomatic versions of guns are designed for military use. So why do citizens be allowed to have these weapons? In fact, assault weapons, which account for a significant number of weapons held by private citizens, are not meant to be used. Campaign exclaims that the reason the organization supports the effort by law enforcement to ban such a weapon like an assault weapon is because of how dangerous they are. Some citizens might not even know how to handle an assault weapon; the people might just buy the assault weapon because it looks “cool”. Although, Micheal Caswell argues that banning assault weapons will not lower the crime rates. “…studies before the ban generally found that between less than one out of eight percent of gun crimes involved assault weapons…” Caswell said. But if one thinks about it, that one incident with the assault weapon could have been worse than the other seven incidents that could have happened with hand