Argumentative Essay On Health Care

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Health care is becoming the most talked about topic in the news today. With Obamas administration finally putting an act together that has taken democrats years to push through the process. This is the Affordable care act which would make all Americans buy into some form of healthcare, leaving everyone with access to medical care. There has been much outrage from the people on this, leaving the Trump administration left to make a change. The democrats wanted to have a set price for all people sick or healthy to have healthcare, while the republicans wanted people to pay more if they have prior conditions with premiums. Meaning healthy people can move to Trumps new plan and pay much lower premiums, while other with illnesses must use Obamas plan and pay much more. This new plan will also allow insurance …show more content…

Which may be true on some cases, but the counter argument for this is that people can pay less if they go through the business then on an individual level. Making a strong argument on both sides is what is making this decision drag out and come under strict scrutiny. While these bills go through all the loops, it is up to each person at all levels of government to look at all the facts and determine which is the correct course of action to take for this. Looking from a logical point of view Obamas plan would be excellent in theory, even though in a country that prides itself on freedom is forcing people to buy into something it put into place. His act would allow there to be a level playing field for all involved and not allow for healthcare companies to just rely on their constant quest for profits. While republicans already are looking ahead to the economic impact of the actions, rather than allowing it to run its course and seeing if it can balance itself

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